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Here are some reviews of the places I visited during my Maui trip, (the markup is in hReview microformat, using the hReview creator)


从火山顶部的壮丽景色 (Breathtaking view from the volcano top)

photo of 'The Haleakala summit'

Nov 11, 2007 by Stoyan place

2007年11月11日作者 斯托扬广场

The Haleakala summit 哈雷阿卡拉峰会

★★★★★ I come from Bulgaria, where you can visit the highest summit on the Balkan Peninsula. Well, Haleakala is a few meters higher and the drive from 0 (see level) to 3000 meters (10 000 feet) is quite the experience. The sights are beautiful as you drive up and it's so easy to get distracted by the view. Yet the road is narrow and if you're not careful... brrr.

★★★★★我来自保加利亚,在那里您可以参观巴尔干半岛的最高峰。 好吧,哈雷阿卡拉(Haleakala)高出几米,从0(见标高)到3000米(10000英尺)的行驶距离是相当不错的体验。 当您开车时,景色很美,而且容易被视线分散注意力。 但是路很窄,如果您不小心的话……

They say watching the sunrise from the top is an out-of-this-world experience and I can see how it could be true. Just be prepared to leave early and be *extra* careful when you drive up during the night. Also bring warm clothes. It was coldish during the day, I can imaging how it is during the night.

他们说,从顶部观看日出是一种超现实的体验,我可以看到它是如何实现的。 只要准备早点离开,并在夜间开车时要格外小心。 还带上保暖的衣服。 白天很冷,我可以想象夜晚的情况。

On a clear day you can see a bunch of the other Hawaii islands, in fact more islands can be seen from here than from anywhere else. On the picture you can see the other Maui summit and behind it - another island, probably Molokai.

在晴朗的日子里,您可以看到许多其他夏威夷群岛,实际上,从这里可以看到比其他任何地方都更多的岛屿。 在图片上,您可以看到另一个毛伊岛顶峰及其后面-另一个岛,可能是莫洛凯岛。



南毛伊岛的漂亮海滩 (Nice beach in south Maui)

photo of 'Keawakapu beach'

Nov 11, 2007 by Stoyan place

2007年11月11日作者 斯托扬广场

Keawakapu beach

★★★★★ We went to 4 beaches in Kihei, South Maui - the one that's next to the Maui Prince, "The Big Beach" and another one, forgot the name, but the Keawakapu is the one we liked best.


The photo above is not a postcard, I took it, as you can see, not too crowded. The photo is taken in the evening and I waited a while to have the beach empty, because people were strolling by. The beach is not usually that deserted, but with a little luck you may be one of the few people on it.

如您所见,上面的照片不是明信片,我拍的不是太拥挤。 这张照片是在晚上拍摄的,我等了一会儿才把海滩空了,因为人们在闲逛。 海滩通常不是那么空无一人,但是如果运气好的话,您可能是其中的少数人之一。


Here's a photo of me bathing with the kidos.




很棒的书,但是...太受欢迎了 (Excellent book, but... too popular)

photo of 'Maui Revealed'

Nov 11, 2007 by Stoyan product

2007年11月11日作者 斯托扬产品

Maui Revealed 毛伊岛揭幕

★★★★★ I picked up this book in the library, don't know why I preferred this one to the others (price wasn't a factor), but I didn't regret.


You don't need other maps or driving directions, when you have the book.


All in all, great book about Maui, and now that I checked the website, I know why. It's published by a Hawaii publisher that has published a total of 4 books. Only 4. That explains why you can tell by reading the book, that the author(s?) have taken an extra care to ship a high quality product. Also the book seems to be frequently updated, already at 4th edition.

总而言之,关于毛伊岛的一本好书,而现在我检查了该网站,我知道了为什么。 它由夏威夷出版商出版,总共出版了4本书。 仅4。这解释了为什么您可以通过阅读本书来告诉作者,作者已经格外小心地运送高质量的产品。 另外,这本书似乎已经经常更新,已经是第4版。

The only problem with the book is that it's too popular. In Costco (next to the Maui airport), gas stations and groceries - the *only* book I saw about Maui was this one. Of course souvenir shops and bookstores are a different story. The result? If the book says that a beach is not crowded, that may not be true, because a lot of people read the same book 🙂

这本书的唯一问题是它太流行了。 在好市多(毛伊岛机场旁),加油站和杂货-我所见到的关于毛伊岛的*唯一*书就是这本。 当然,纪念品商店和书店是另外一个故事。 结果? 如果这本书说海滩不拥挤,那可能不是真的,因为很多人都读同一本书book



第2部分? (Part 2?)

Enough with the good reviews, I'll continue with the bad ones in an additional post 🙂


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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/my-recent-maui-trip/



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